

European Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2024
PDF Full Article, DOI: 10.36868/ejmse.2024.09.03.183, pp. 183-190

Seun S. OWOEYE1,*, Segun M. ABEGUNDE2, Yinusa Daniel LAMID1
1 Department of Glass and Ceramics, Federal Polytechnic, Ado – Ekiti, Nigeria.
2 Department of Science Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Ado – Ekiti, Nigeria.

* Corresponding author: owoeye_ss@fedpolyado.edu.ng, owoeyeseun@gmail.com

In this research, rice husk ash (RHA) and eggshell ash (EGA) were used as biogenic materials for total replacement of pure quartz (SiO2) and calcium oxide (CaO) respectively in the traditional 45S5 bioactive glass composition by powder metallurgy route. Body formulation with nominal composition 45% RHA (SiO2), 24.5 EGA (CaO), 24.5% Na2O and 6% P2O5 was composed. The batch material was properly mixed with addition of 2% PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol) as binder and compacted at 70 MPa to produce compact samples of 40 x 20 mm. The samples were then allowed to dry in an ambient temperature followed by sintering at 1000°C for 2 h, then allowed to cool to room temperature. Selected samples were immersed inside prepared simulated body fluid (SBF – pH 7.4) at 37 °C for 5, 9, and 18h respectively. Physical, microstructure and phase evaluation were conducted to examine the developed bio-ceramic. The results showed the bio-waste based 45S5 bioceramic has bulk density and porosity of 1.02 g/cm3 and 62% respectively while deposits of carbonate-hydroxyapatite were found to increase with immersion period showing good bioactivity and affirm that the developed bio-waste based bioceramics are bioactive and can find suitable application bone repair.

Keywords: Deep beams; RC; strengthening; GFRP; web openings

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