

European Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2024
PDF Full Article, DOI: 10.36868/ejmse.2024.09.03.209, pp. 209-230

Daniel Alemayehu CHEKOL1,*, Esayas Gebreyouhannes FTWI 2
1 Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Arbegnoch Street, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
2 School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University, King George IV Street, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
* Corresponding author: danielalemayehuch@gmail.com

This study aims to investigate the pozzolanic reactivity of bagasse ash while partially replacing cement. Rapid, reliable, and relevant (R3) testing techniques were employed. This was done by measuring the heat of hydration and by determining the amount of bound water. The blending of cement made the paste require more water, to enhance the setting time, have more peaks in a narrower range position of °2θ and with Aluminum containing compounds, to have a lower average crystallite size (16.46ηm) and lower diffraction angle. The cumulative heat flow in the blended samples decreased to 275.18J/g at 170hours and the maximum rate of heat flow decreased to 69.41J/gh which was found delayed at 5 minutes and 13 seconds. The difference in heat of hydration between the reference and blended sample increases as time increases starting from 3J/g on the 1st day to 9J/g on the 3rd day. Blended samples were found to have lower bound water(gram) (2.58%) content on day 1 than the reference. Compressive strength at an early age (≤ 1 day) is lower in the bagasse ash (BA) blended mortar cubes and during later days compressive strength of BA blended mortar cubes were the highest and quartz blended mortar cubes were the lowest. Besides, the pozzolanic activity of bagasse ash (PABA) was found to be 346.08mg of Ca(OH)2 per gram of bagasse ash. Results were compared with the strength development and pozzolanic activity determination test. The presence of pozzolanic reactivity of the bagasse ash was confirmed, and results were found to be coherent and in agreement with each other.

Keywords: Pozzolanic activity, Reactivity test, Heat of hydration, Bound water, Modified Chapelle test, Isothermal calorimeter, Cumulative heat flow, Compressive strength

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