

European Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2025
PDF Full Article,  DOI: 10.36868/ejmse.2025.10.01.023,   pp. 23-36
Published: March 20, 2025

Patrice BERTHOD1,*
1 Faculté des Sciences et Technologies & Institut Jean Lamour,
Université de Lorraine, 2 allée André Guinier 54000 Nancy, France

* Corresponding author: patrice.berthod@univ-lorraine.fr


The Cantor alloy is one of the earliest high entropy alloys to appear. In contrast with its properties at low and cryogenic temperatures, its creep behavior at close to 1000°C is not yet very known. This work aims to explore the behavior of a cast equimolar CoNiFeMnCr alloy in three points bending creep at 1000 and 1100°C for two levels of loading (inducing 10 and 30 MPa tensile stress). The deformation rate increases with temperature and with stress. Duration to test end can reach 100 hours and more for 10 MPa and 50h or much less for 30 MPa. In addition, significant oxidation of the samples was noticed by oxygen impurities in the protective argon atmosphere. These results demonstrate that, in its present state, this alloy is not suitable for service at so high temperature. It must be mechanically strengthened, by precipitates for instance, and its oxidation resistance must be improved.

Keywords: equimolar CoNiFeMnCr alloy, high temperature creep, high temperature oxidation.


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