European Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2025
PDF Full Article, DOI: 10.36868/ejmse.2025.10.01.051, pp. 51-64
Published: March 20, 2025
Gbenga EKUNDAYO1,*, Hugh GONG1,*, Chamil ABEYKOON1
1 Department of Materials, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
* Corresponding author:
This study investigates the effect of twist factors on the tensile properties of jute yarns with linear densities of 193, 213, and 251 tex. The yarns were twisted to four levels: 1460, 2420, 2820, and 3056 turns per metre x √Tex. Tensile testing was conducted according to ASTM D2256 standards to analyse tenacity, elastic modulus, breaking force, and elongation at break. The results indicate that twist factors significantly influence the tensile properties of the yarns. Notably, yarn SY251T153 exhibited the highest tenacity at 28.4 cN/Tex with an optimal twist factor of 2420, highlighting the critical balance between yarn strength and twist. The findings emphasise the importance of optimising twist factors to enhance yarn performance, providing valuable insights for producing high-quality, durable yarns for natural fibre-reinforced polymer composites in structural applications. Statistical validation through one-way ANOVA confirmed significant differences in yarn tenacity with varying twist factors, with p-values of 0.00197 for SY193, 0.0000137 for SY213, and 0.0000879 for SY251, all below the 0.05 threshold. These results underscore the significant impact of twist factors on yarn strength.
Keywords: Natural composites, Yarn twisting, Jute yarn, Twist factor, Yarn linear density.
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